#include // note that you need to prepend some.h with the folder name, // because that is how it is in the installation folder: // install/include/somelibrary/some.h #include int main(int argc, char *argv []) { std::cout << "base application message" << std::endl; // here we call a function from the library sm::lbr::printsomething (); } When writing the headers of the library, I would like includes to look like #include "Header.hpp". Step 1: Get the sources. Functions like add_definitions, include_directories, link_libraries, and others are still around in modern CMake due to backward compatibility. CMake library example that can be found using find_package().. Update: now using modern cmake (version >= 3.9), since commit 46f0b93. Instead other targets created by add_library or add_executable may reference the objects using an expression of the form $ as a source, where objlib is the object library name. Semicolon-separated list of directories specifying a search path for the find_library() command. For example: CMake supports installing build artifacts made as part of a target via the install command. The default locations are provided by the CMake module GNUInstallDirs which the first thing to include. Show Printable Version; 25th March 2020, 18:03 #1. target_include_directories(): is for making source files aware of the location of private headers relative to the project directory. add_library (a interface) add_library (a::a alias a) target_include_directories (a interface "$" "$") target_link_libraries (a interface "$" "$" "$" "$" "$" "$") #### install install (targets a export atargets runtime destination $ {cmake_install_bindir} component a_runtime library destination $ {cmake_install_libdir} component CMake can be hard to figure out. . Here is the directory structure for the project. Typically /usr/local/include. CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH. SHARED means a shared library, you can also make a static library with STATIC keyword, or an object file with OBJECT keyword. By default it is empty, it is intended to be set by the project. Thread Tools. After saving the changes to CMakeLists.txt, request CMake to update the build environment for our shared library: cd ~/mylib/build cmake .. Next, run the following two commands to install the shared library system-wide: Start Visual Studio and open the VisualGDB Linux Project Wizard: Select "Create a new project -> Application -> Use CMake" and check the "Use the advanced CMake Project System" checkbox: We will change the project type to a shared library once the project is created. CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR: The directory for installing header files to be included by user programs. Jonathan's Blog - Embedding Arbitrary Data in Executable with CMake Sometimes you need to include some binary data into an executable. cmake-example-library. My Filesystem: include --Header Files src --Source Files extern --SDL2 build Here is an example of the file causing the error: #include <iostream> #include <SDL.h> //Error using namespace std; /* The code */ Exactly like in the header only case. Case 2: A library that must be build by CMake. target_link_libraries(): to tell CMake that app is dependent on geo library. An object library compiles source files but does not archive or link their object files into a library. The example is taken from SI, a . The CMakeLists.txt file is to create two libraries and then create a combined library looks like: project (test) add_library (lib1 STATIC test1.c) add_library (lib2 STATIC test2.c) add_custom_target (combined ALL COMMAND $ {CMAKE_AR} rc libcombined.a $<TARGET_FILE:lib1> $<TARGET_FILE:lib2>) Everything compiles, builds, and runs fine. It is actually less work if the library isn't header only and has a "proper" CMake setup. The source file for the library is passed as an argument to add_library (). Because the library uses CMake we can just use the add . Unsurprisingly, this CMake command adds include directories to CMake target, and the syntax is the following: target_include_directories(target_name {PUBLIC |PRIVATE |INTERFACE } directories.) You do this with linker flag: -l<library name>. An example being /usr/local for UNIX based platforms. Example. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand version of the command. Click here to expand the full FindLibrary.cmake Finding the package files Let's assume that dependencies are either put into the build-dir in a folder prebuilt or installed in the GNU default directories. add_library(libraryName [STATIC|SHARED|MODULE] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] source1 source2 ..) Firstly, the first parameter to add_library is the name of the library. The OpenABF CMake project provides a number of flags for configuring the installation: . So it leads me to think that the cause of the error is that the include directories aren't exported with the static library. Updating the single - header file . Thread: Qt5 CMake include all libraries into executable. CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH The platform paths that these variables contain are locations that typically include installed software. So we're essentially saying that "target_name" should look for header files (or any included files) in the directories specified after the scope. Instead other targets created by add_library () or add_executable () may reference the objects using an expression of the form $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> as a source, where objlib is the object library name. Qt5 CMake include all libraries into executable I'm trying to build a with Qt 5.14 an application on release mode and everything is working fine inside of Qt . See also CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. # enter your project directory $ cd myproject # it is always a good idea to not pollute the source with build files # so create a new build directory $ mkdir build $ cd build # run cmake and make $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ make # if you have tests, then the following $ ctest This has worked well for us on Linux and MacOS. But when writing the client I want includes to look like #include <Library/Header.hpp>. add_library(my_lib lib.cpp) The CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS controls whenever to build an static (OFF) or an shared (ON) library, using for example cmake ..-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON.However, you can explicitly set to build an shared or an static library by adding STATIC or SHARED after the target name: I am writing a library and client combo with CMake, and I am setting the include paths for the client. include (GNUInstallDirs) Features. An object library compiles source files but does not archive or link their object files into a library. The library depends on other external libraries and adds them using the add_subdirectory and target_link_library commands. TODO 2: Click to show/hide answer For example: There are many times that embedding files into an executable would be useful. View Profile View Forum Posts View Articles Beginner Join Date Mar 2020 Posts 7 Qt products Platforms. For example you could embed some simple image files into the executable . The solution is simple: When linking a shared library to your C application, you need to inform the GCC toolchain about the library you want to link. Hello, I have very little experience with CMake and I am trying to set up a simple library. It's really hard to say what's going on in those CMake scripts. target_link_libraries(foo INTERFACE bar::bar) This adds bar::bar to foo's INTERFACE.This is not used for foo itself, but is for anything using foo.You probably want PUBLIC (though PRIVATE works if foo does not publicly use bar::bar's headers). However, whenever possible, you should prefer using their counterparts target_compile_definitions, target_include_directories, target_sources, or target_link_libraries instead. CMake's function for creating a library is add_library, and the code block below shows the usage. This looks like the following line: TODO 1: Click to show/hide answer To make use of the new library we will add an add_subdirectory () call in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file so that the library will get built. Step 2: Build the library. Nowadays we luckily found more modern alternative libraries for our use-cases. When we still had OpenSSL as a dependency we simply created a custom repo with a CMake script that would create an interface target to link to a precompiled library. These are typically hard-coded guesses. Clone the submodule if pre-compiled binary isn't found. so the top level cmakelists is able to find the header file located in include, but that header file contains the line: #include which references a file in a gen directory inside the build directory created by the library's cmakelists.txt ( https://github.com/siposcsaba89/socketcan-cpp/blob/master/cmakelists.txt ) But, I can only include the external library header files either in the source files specified in target_sources or in my library's . Author bolu-atx commented on May 1, 2020 How does an object library in CMake compile? Where the library name is the name of the shared library, minus the first lib part and minus the .so file extension. Since I found it hard to find a comprehensive example of how a header-only library can be set up, I decided to provide an example of a CMakeLists.txt file for such a library here and analyze it line by line. We can have CMake install the resulting library and binaries with this snippet install ( TARGETS libminisat minisat minisat-simp LIBRARY DESTINATION /usr/local/lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION /usr/local/lib RUNTIME DESTINATION /usr/local/bin ) All code changes should be made to the multi- header files in include /OpenABF/. cmake_minimum_required (version 3.15) # set the project name and version project (tutorial version 1.0) # specify the c++ standard add_library (tutorial_compiler_flags interface) target_compile_features (tutorial_compiler_flags interface cxx_std_11) # add compiler warning flags just when building this project via # the build_interface genex set To create an build target that creates an library, use the add_library command:. Before you begin, install VisualGDB 5.3 or later. The main advantage of this example is that it is auto-generated.You only need to change the project name, and add the files that need to be compiled in foo/CMakeLists.txt. I love CMake, but unfortunately, its documentation is more focused on completeness than on providing hands-on-examples. Vildnex. OpenABF is deployed as a single - header library, but is developed as a multi- header library. It's a lot easier to distribute 1 executable than it is to distribute an executable with supporting files. Before your Merge Request can be accepted . Creates an Object Library.

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