The CoffeeScript compiler tries to make sure that all statements in the language can be used as expressions. This is literally a copy paste from this answer, and I use it to clear CSS style that I added with jQuery in a previously executed function. New Divi Theme Timepicker on add/edit event disabled Fix Issue related to setting up events widget [3.1.26] 10-03-2022 New jQuery datepicker added for event calendar and Event Manager. Common sources of location information include Global Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from network signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses, and p::after { content: none; } Note that in CSS3, W3C recommended to use two colons (::) for pseudo-elements like ::before or ::after.. From the MDN web doc on Pseudo-elements:. The jQuery has attribute correctly checks for the existence of an attribute on a web applications element. firefox is just looking for the attribute itself. "The best react course, no doubt you will learn a lot of cool things that the market is asking for right now, this course you develop a real project and in my opinion is one of the most complete I have done so far, so I bought the other instructor courses, as he has great teaching and the videos are short and objective. So only one li item has the class at a time. Watch how the return gets pushed down into each possible branch of execution in the function below. As mentioned in Gillian's answer, assigning none to content solves the problem:. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of adding a user to a SharePoint group. What is jQuery has attribute? Add localized jQuery UI datepicker text for languages that have a VFB translation file; Add vfb_spam_words_exploits, vfb_spam_words_profanity, and vfb_spam_words_misc filters to allow spam sensitivity words to be controlled; Update the jQuery UI date picker and CKEditor scripts to only load when the respective field is on the form the data-target attribute is pointing to an id selector you may add an additional aria-controls attribute to the control element, containing the id of the collapsible element. onclick can be added as an HTML attribute, whereas an addEventListener can only be added within